About Us

For many years a classroom teacher and now writing full time, in January of 2022 I established Floribunda Publishing.  As a teacher of 6- to 12-year-olds, I saw the power of children being read to, reading to themselves and reading to each other. As their confidence with words and numbers strengthened, the impact this had on every other aspect of their lives at school was a joy and a privilege to be part of.

And so, Floribunda Publishing was born. Quality and affordable children's picture books and educational resource books are the core of Floribunda Publishing's mission.  Books are for everyone.

I have chosen to partner with LULU to print and ship all of Floribunda’s products. This choice is due to their core values, the quality of their printing and the care with products are shipped to customers. To learn more about LULU, please click on the link below. Lulu’s Company Profile & Mission | Lulu

A very warm welcome to Floribunda Publishing.